Savagely slice through enemies, chopping off half of their maximum Health in one swipe.
Execute Leader Ability
Arcane Brilliance
Increases the Level of your Spells by 3 while Jaina is in play.
Execute Traits
Cast anywhere on the map.
Strong vs Squad units.
Execute Talent
Best Talent
Bloodlust allies within spell area for 10 seconds.
Killing Spree
If an enemy is killed, the next Horde mini costs 1 less.
Knock enemies away from the cast location.
Execute Build & Deck
Cairne Bloodhoof
Stonehoof Tauren
Darkspear Troll
Blackrock Pyromancer
Stonehoof Tauren
S.A.F.E. Pilot
Murloc Tidehunters
Build Explanation
Focusing first on the two Horde slots, Cairne Bloodhoof, with his area-of-effect (AoE) abilities, is a strong choice. The Troll Spear Thrower from the Horde, boasting exceptional range and high single-target damage, can reliably occupy one Horde slot. The ultimate Voodoo talent in combination with Cairne Bloodhoof’s leader ability ensures survival. The second Horde slot is still best filled with the Stonehoof Tauren, capable of demolishing the enemy’s back-line units. The Ranged slot can be filled with the highly cost-effective Necromancer, the affordable yet potent Blackrock Pyromancer, or the pricier but powerful Ogre Mage.
Given that the top 3 slots all have costs around 4, the lower slots must include Cycle and Elemental. The Cycle slot is best filled with the Murloc Tidehunters or Gryphon Rider, while the Elemental slot should go to the S.A.F.E. Pilot to deal with enemy back-line units or secure distant chests.