Old Murk-Eye Stats

Old Murk-Eye

Tier S Cost 4



Level: 1


const MINIhp = 160; const mini_hp = document.getElementById('mini'); const minidata = document.getElementById('minidata'); mini_hp.addEventListener('input', updateMinidata); function updateMinidata(e) { const selectedLevel = e.target.value; const levelMultiplier = Math.pow(1.1001, selectedLevel - 1); const currentHP = Math.round(MINIhp * levelMultiplier); minidata.textContent = `${currentHP}`; } updateMinidata({ target: mini_hp });


const MINIdmg = 150; const mini_dmg = document.getElementById('mini'); const damageValue = document.getElementById('damageValue'); mini_dmg.addEventListener('input', updateDamage); function updateDamage(e) { const selectedLevel = e.target.value; const levelMultiplier = Math.pow(1.1001, selectedLevel - 1); const currentDmg = Math.round(MINIdmg * levelMultiplier); damageValue.textContent = `${currentDmg}`; } updateDamage({ target: mini_dmg });

Area Damage



const MINIdmg4 = 150; const MINIaspd4 = 1.6; const mini4 = document.getElementById('mini'); const dpsValue4 = document.getElementById('dpsValue4'); const levelValue4 = document.getElementById('mini-value'); mini4.addEventListener('input', updateDPS4); function updateDPS4(e) { const selectedLevel = e.target.value; const levelMultiplier = Math.pow(1.1001, selectedLevel - 1); const currentDamage = Math.round(MINIdmg4 * levelMultiplier); const currentDPS = (currentDamage / MINIaspd4).toFixed(1); dpsValue4.textContent = `${currentDPS}`; levelValue4.textContent = `${selectedLevel}`; } // Trigger updateDPS4 function initially updateDPS4({ target: mini4 });

Percent DPS


Attack Speed










Old Murk-Eye Overview

This seasoned Murloc has (and hasn’t) seen plenty of battles. If you can shell out the Gold, his entourage of Tidehunters is shore to make waves on the battlefield.

Old Murk-Eye Leader Ability


March of the Murlocs

For 5 seconds after deploying, summon a Murloc Tidehunter for each Gold spent on other minis.

Old Murk-Eye Traits


Attacks enemies from a distance.


Strong vs Squad units.


Deals elemental damage. Strong vs Armored.


Fastest moving units

Old Murk-Eye Talent

Tip of the Spear

Tidehunters spawn at Old Murk Eye’s location instead.

Best Talent

Marathon Of The Murlocs

March of the Murlocs lasts an additional 5 seconds longer after deploying.

Electric Eels

Attacks briefly Stun enemies.

Old Murk-Eye Build & Deck

Old Murk-Eye
Gnoll Brute
Gryphon Rider
Blackrock Pyromancer
S.A.F.E. Pilot

Build Explanation

The construction of a reliable team for Old Murk-Eye revolves around equipping stable and high-quality frontline units, along with suitable Unbound and Spell support, to maximize the survival rate of the additional Murlocs and enable them to unleash effective DPS.

Considering the fast nature of Old Murk-Eye and his units, the entire team build emphasizes high moving speed. The first Beast slot is ideally occupied by the dependable Harpies, which currently rank among the strongest troops. With the Infectious Swipes talent, they can compensate for the challenge of dealing with high-health Tank units like Gargoyles, making them an optimal choice.

For the fixed Tank slot, the Prowler comes highly recommended. Once equipped with Predatory Instincts, it possesses formidable single-target capabilities. The other Beast slot can be filled by the Gnoll Brute, benefiting from the Thick Hide talent. If the Prowler serves as a sharp spear, then the Thick Hide Gnoll Brute acts as a sturdy shield.

When deployed together in the Beast team, the Gnoll Brute and Gryphon Rider in the Cycle slot can forge a formidable path forward. The Cycle slot can produce Gryphon Riders to synergize with the Gnoll Brute, while the Elemental slot can accommodate the Blackrock Pyromancer, effectively bolstering home defense. Lastly, the Unbound slot can house the versatile S.A.F.E. Pilot, providing additional support to the team.