When you are a buzzsaw, all your problems look like trees.
Sneed Leader Ability
Sneed Before Greed
Gain 2 Gold when a Siege Damage unit destroys a Tower, captures a Meeting Stone, or opens a Chest.
Sneed Traits
Strong vs Ranged units.
Strong vs Squad units.
50% Physical damage reduction.
High health unit. Good at soaking Tower damage
Sneed Talent
Mine Is Money, Friend!
Gain the Miner trait.
Lead With Greed
Gain an additional +2 Gold when Sneed triggers Sneed Before Greed.
Land Grab
Gain a level whenever non-passive Gold is earned.
Sneed Build & Deck
Build Explanation
Sneed requires a reliable ally to provide cover. In the Horde slots, including the essential Stonehoof Tauren is crucial, while the second Horde slot can be effectively filled by the dependable Darkspear Troll.
When it comes to the Siege Damage slot, the preferred option is the Warsong Raider equipped with the formidable Sunder Armor talent. As for the remaining three slots, resembling the choices made for Grommash Hellscream, it is recommended to select two out of the Ranged, Cycle, and Unbound options. Additionally, considering a Squad formation for the Harpies is also a viable strategy.