Nearby enemies take 50% more Elemental damage. Eats Ragnar’Os for breakfast.
General Drakkisath Traits
Strong vs Ranged units.
Attacks enemies from a distance.
Strong vs AoE units.
Deals elemental damage. Strong vs Armored.
Takes 50% less Elemental damage.
High health unit. Good at soaking Tower damage
General Drakkisath Talent
Chromatic Scales
Grants nearby allies the Resistant trait.
Piercing Blows
Attacks pierce through enemies in a line
Lasting Legacy
On death, drop a banner. Nearby enemies take 50% additional Elemental damage. Lasts 10 seconds.
General Drakkisath Build & Deck
Build Explanation
For the three slots below the General Drakkisath, it is recommended to pair a Spell slot with the Amplify Magic talent’s Holy Nova, which is an underused spell. However, after purchasing the Amplify Magic talent, which doubles the effect on Elemental targets, it works very well with the General Drakkisath’s Elemental team and can better restrict the opponent’s Elemental units.
The Whelp Egg can also be replaced with a Fire Elemental as needed to alleviate the pressure on the General Drakkisath’s front row.
When the General Drakkisath and Fire Elemental are in the double front row, the Gryphon Rider needs to keep up with the anti-air defense in time. Of course, if you’re not accustomed to carrying spells or haven’t practiced with the unpopular Holy Nova, or if you’ve chosen the wrong talent, you can also change the Spell slot to something like Unbound.